Control Centre
Take charge of your payment operations with our unified dashboard. Route transactions, process refunds, resolve disputes, and more - seamlessly.
powered by Juspay
The payments engine behind leading global brands.
125 Mn+
Transactions processed every day
99.99 %
Uptime best in class
$500 Bn+
Annualized total payment volume
1.5 Bn+
App Installs with Juspay SDKs
Built for you:
Key Features of the Control Centre

Smart Routing

Customize your payment routing logic to optimize conversion rates and cost efficiency. Route transactions to specific payment methods and processors effortlessly.
Custom logics
Preferred methods

Payment Audit Trail

View and analyze system interactions, logs to identify issues.
User Journey Insight
Error Detection

Unified Disputes Module

Manage disputes & chargebacks across different processors from a single interface. Streamline your dispute management process with ease.
Disputes Handling
Monitor and Resolve

3DS Decision Manager

Define and manage 3DS requirements based on transaction amount, card network, and other parameters for greater control and optimization.
Flexible Control
Trigger based on conditions

Analytics Module

Gain comprehensive insights & perform in-depth data analysis. View overall conversion rates and filter by processor to optimize performance.
Performance Metrics
Revenue Insight

Unified Refund Module

Manage refunds across different processors from a single interface.
Centralised Processing
Full and Partial refunds
Join our community in shaping
The Future of Payments
We're always committed to continuously improving based
on your feedback and inputs.