Intelligent payment routing. Maximize conversion and reduce costs.

Leverage rule-based, volume-based, debit routing & machine learning driven algorithms to intelligently route payments to maximize authorization rates and reduce processing costs.

Trusted by the fastest growing businesses globally

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The ROI of

payment routing
Juspay's payment orchestration engine delivers exponential ROI for enterprises helping them maximize revenue, while keeping processing costs in check.

How does intelligent routing work?

Juspay's open-source routing engine powers enterprises to maintain control over payment routing decisions at the most granular level. Merchants can build their workflows based on 35+ parameters.

Eligibility analysis

Shortlisted eligible PSP from pre-configured list of PSPs

Filtering PSPs

Selected WellsFargo as the optimal processor through pre-configured rule

Ranking based on real-time data

Adyen selected due to temporary downtime with Wells Fargo

Card type
Authentication type
Auth mode
Card network
Meta data
Card BIN
Billing country
Shipping country
Meta data
Authentication type

Comprehensive payment routing algorithms

Maximize authorization rates, minimize payment processing costs, manage volume commitments, and more with Juspay's open-source orchestration engine.

Debit routing

Reduce payment processing costs by routing the transactions to local networks/rails (STAR, Accel, Pulse etc.,) when applicable and retry with global networks such as VISA, Mastercard, AmEx, Discover if failed.

Rule-based routing

Define custom routing logics based on 35+ parameters of payment without any code.

Fallback routing

Seamlessly add fallback payments processors minimize transaction failures.

Volume-based routing

Define volume distribution among multiple payment providers using percentages.

Dynamic payment routing

Machine Learning driven routing algorithm optimizes first attempt authorization rates (FAAR) based on real-time payment success rates and outages /downtimes of PSPs.

Microscopic visibility into routing decisions
Fine-tune payment orchestration workflows with granular and microscopic visibility into routing decisions.

Deploy open-source routing the way you want.

Juspay's payment routing engine delivers exponential ROI for enterprises helping them maximize revenue, while keeping processing costs in check.

Self-host ( on-prem/cloud )
Hosted by Juspay